More radare2 (3/?): binary editing / persisting / debugging Invoke r2 with -w flag -> Write mode. In visual mode ('V') the visual assembler 'A' is available, and allows to enter assembly directly in place of the current seek. => patch binary. Visual mode supports a number of shorcuts (listed in the book, but also as inline help). The `;` shortcut, allows to add comments to the assembly. Exercise: how to do so in normal mode? ## Flags It is useful to place flags around, e.g when an interesting offset is found. f myflag = $$ # Where $$ is the 'current seek' variable. ## Persist I was wondering how to persist metadata. As it turns out, radare2 can save projects and version them via git. Try `P?` and read up :) ## Debug Visual debugging: `Vpp` (or `V` followed by hitting `p` twice) Top: stack Middle: registers Bottom: instructions db List breakpoints db main Add breakpoint to main. dc Continue to breakpoint. dsr Step till end of frame (that is, till return) F2 | B toggle breakpoint (Same as `db $$`) F4 Run to cursor F7 | s Step F8 | S Step over F9 Continue What is visual diff?