More radare 2 (5/?): environment variables etc. I'm still focusing on the narnia ( capture the flag, which is trivial in itself, but I'm trying to beat it completely within R2, with the goal of learning the tool. Radare2 is rich of features, but also baroque and inconsistently documented. How do I set environment variables? Rarun is the answer, but the documentation glosses over how that is integrated. Search on the web. Find out about radare2-explorations (a complementary book) In a nutshell: 1. Run `rarun2 -t` in another tty and yank the path of the printed character device (e.g. /dev/pts/8) 2. Execute r2 like this: $ r2 -r rarun.rr2 -d program Example with narnia1: $ cat rarun.rr2 stdio=/dev/pts/8 setenv=EGG=exploit_here $ r2 -r rarun.rr2 -d ./narnia1 Well, the software is powerful and intriguing, but I'm a little frustrated by the (well known) steep learning curve, IMO mostly due to old/inconsistent docs and opcode-like commands. For a person like myself, who has so little free time, this is a big obstacle. I'm grateful nonetheless. -- mov esi, str._bin_sh mov edi, str._bin_sh mov eax, 0 call sym.imp.execl