__ __                 _  __    __                  __
                 / // /__  __ _  ___   / |/ /__ / /__    _____  ____/ /__
                / _  / _ \/  ' \/ -_) /    / -_) __/ |/|/ / _ \/ __/  '_/
               /_//_/\___/_/_/_/\__/ /_/|_/\__/\__/|__,__/\___/_/ /_/\_\
       This is a collection of text files describing my home network.  Here
       I'm covering the most interesting or technically challenging aspects
       of my current set-up, so I can remember how I did it, while also
       sharing useful info with fellow hackers.
       We have broad-band, provided via optical fiber.  I don't know how
       standard this is, but the fiber ends up into a little bridge that
       makes it available over Ethernet.
       The ISP provides us with one public IPv4 addresses, dynamically
       assigned via DHCP.  In the past we could use two public IPv4
       adddresses at the time, but this is no longer the case.
 (TXT) APU6B4  Router
       A few years ago I bought a custom made router on which I'm running
       OpenWRT.  As boring as it sounds, the router is configured as NAT
       configuration, and provides WiFi access to various home devices.
       Ethernet access is also served to the rooms, wherever it is needed,
       thanks to a simple DLink switch that I saved from the dumpster.
 (TXT) Dual-network raspberry
 (TXT) Raspberry: USB-TTL <-> UART
       I've got a Raspberry 3B+ in my home network.  It runs FreeBSD, and It
       covers a number of little tasks:
         Newsgroup reader (usenet, gmane, lore.kernel.org)
         Persistent IRC connections (Libera.chat, OFTC, Tilde.chat, ...)
         Proxy (bypass dumb restrictions of the company laptop)
                             Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/amd64 14.0