Hey - it's only been a year! Looking back at my daily Gemini/Gopher log output, it looks like the last time I actually wrote anything was just over a year ago. I ended up getting distracted by other work so I more or less completely forgot about what I was doing in Gopherspace, but now that I have more time, here I am. (I'm kind of surprised that my Gopher and Gemini servers were still running on the Linode instance I spun up last year without any maintenance or upkeep. Such is the way of Linux systems - high uptime, no unwanted reboots.) Plenty has gone on. Looking back on my last logs, it seems like I spent a lot of time ranting about Diablo - specifically, Diablo Immortal. It apparently still sucks, but I haven't touched it. I *have* been playing Diablo IV though, and while I don't like it as much as Path of Exile, it's perfectly fine. Some of the other projects I was working on got completed. I finished the paint-by-number and started working on the last of the 4 in the set (a gnome to go along with the dragon, fairy and mermaid), but I haven't finished it yet - I'm just not as interested in that one, but I feel obligated to round out the set, as it were. I was planning a patio for the back yard, that got done as well. My wife and I installed it during the middle part of last July after we got back from SGDQ in Minneapolis, during the middle of a heat wave where the average temperature was often over 100 degrees. I even resurrected the retro game I was working on (Damaniel's Pixel by Number) - what started out as a test of Github Copilot to assist with writing a batch image processing utility became motivation to add missing features, a new collection of images, and even sound/music support to the game itself. All the work I did on the game was done without the assistance of AI code gen, since I'm not sure how effective Github Copilot would be at generating C code based on pre-C99 compilers for MS-DOS and a graphics library version so old that the number of people who've used it in the last 20 years can almost certainly be counted on one hand, even if you're missing a digit or two. I also (just) got around to submitting my Gopher site to Floodgap, so it can be indexed (for what that's worth). In light of all of the ongoing controversy surrounding Reddit - and centralized user-generated content in general, at least among the nerdy types - perhaps we'll all return to forums, IRC - and who knows, maybe Gopher? I guess I'll talk about it more in my next post (which hopefully won't be *next* June).