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       (formerly GrabWeather2016) - a program to download weather data in XML
       format from the aviationweather.gov data server and translate it into:
         * a data file to be read by other programs (e.g.: the GkrellWeather
           plugin for GkrellM);
         * a human-readable text file (also used by the plugin).
       Both files will be written in the ~/.wmWeatherReports directory, for
       backward compatibility with existing software.
       You must specify the 4-letter ICAO code of an airport (either directly
       on GrabNuWeather's command line, or in your front-end software) in order
       to get data from the respective weather station. Example:
           $ GrabWeather LIPX
       "LIPX" is the ICAO code for Italy's Verona Villafranca Airport.
       Version 0.3 - released on June 27, 2020 - includes the following
         * NEW formula for relative humidity calculation gives much more
           accurate results
       The original GrabWeather was a Perl script, bundled with (among others)
       the GkrellWeather plugin by Franky Lam, whose web site is no longer
       The old script stopped working in 2016 when NOAA cancelled the web
       service it relied on. GrabNuWeather has been developed as a drop-in
       A couple of features are still missing:
         * Airport name: does anyone know of a machine-readable online list of
           ICAO codes with respective airport names?
         * Windchill: anyone know a reliable formula to calculate this from
           wind speed, temperature, dew point / relative humidity?
       Original GrabWeather used to get its data by grepping the web page it
       downloaded. GrabNuWeather queries aviationweather.gov's data server
       instead; which - while more bandwidth-efficient with its XML replies -
       is missing the aforementioned bits of info.
       "GrabNuWeather" is Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Dario Niedermann, and
       released as FREE SOFTWARE under the terms of the GPLv2 license.
                                      This page was last updated on 08-Jul-2020
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