(BIN) Download logmore patch for Motsognir
 (TXT) See the code
       Version 2.0 of the logmore patch adds the following features to
       the Motsognir Gopher server v1.0.11:
       + New command line option '--log' allows users to specify which syslog
         local facility number the server will log to. You can also have it log
         to a regular file of your choice. Or specify '/dev/stdout' as the log
         file and pipe Motsognir's output into whatever you want.
         The sky is the limit...  This option is also available as
         new configuration file directive 'log';
       + a directory specified on the command line is taken to be the
         Gopher root;
       + standard options '--help', '--version'; plus '--license';
       + [NEW in 2.0]  'autoinfo' configuration directive: if set to 1, any
         gophermap line containing no tabs is considered an "info line"
         (no need for an initial 'i');
       * [NEW in 2.0]  plus sign '+' characters in a URL are no longer
         translated to spaces by the server;  if you want the old behaviour
         back, just remove '-DRFC3986' from the Makefile;
       ! [NEW in 2.0]  stricter validation on port number given in config file;
       * [NEW in 2.0]  changes to the build/installation process:
           * the Makefile now optimizes `motsognir' for size;
           + new 'install-strip' recipe further reduces the binary's footprint;
           * everything is installed under the '/usr/local' subtree, unless
             otherwise directed (by setting DESTDIR and/or PREFIX);
           ! an existing config file will not be overwritten upon installation;
           + the paths referenced in the supplied init scripts and man page
             are filled in at build time to make sure they match actual
             installation paths;
           * GNU Make is now required.
 (DIR) The logmore1.0 patch for Motsognir v1.0.9 is still available.
       HOW TO PATCH (these instructions are also included within the patch)
       This patch will turn an unchanged Motsognir v1.0.11 source tree into a
       Motsognir v1.0.11+logmore2.0 source tree.
       Put the uncompressed patch file into the source directory, chdir to the
       same directory, then apply the patch with:
           patch -p1 < motsognir1.0.11+logmore2.0.diff 
       After that, you can compile Motsognir as usual.
       Motsognir v1.0.11+logmore2.0 has been built and tested on the following
       | Distro | Arch   | Kernel version  | C library      | C compiler |
       | Devuan | ARMv7l | 4.9.93-mainline | Debian GLIBC   | gcc 6.3.0  |
       | ASCII  |        | -rev1           | 2.24-11+deb9u3 |            |
       | Devuan | x86_64 | 4.9.0-8-amd64   | Debian GLIBC   | gcc 6.3.0  |
       | ASCII  |        |                 | 2.24-11+deb9u4 |            |
 (HTM) Motsognir 1.0.11 source code
       C compiler
 (HTM) GNU Make
       "logmore patch for Motsognir" is Copyright (C) Dario Niedermann
       released with no warranty under the terms of the GPLv3 license.
                                      This page was last updated on 21-Mar-2019
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