Title: How to send html signature in mu4e
       Author: Solène
       Date: 07 June 2016
       Tags: email emacs
       I switched to mu4e to manage my mails at work, and also to send
       mails. But in our corporation we all have a signature that include our
       logo and some hypertext links, so I couldn't just insert my signature
       and be done with that. There is a simple way to deal with this
       problem, I fetched the html part of my signature (which include an
       image in base64) and pasted it into my emacs config file this way.
           (setq mu4e-compose-signature 
                 "<#part type=text/html><html><body><p>Hello ! I am the html
       signature which can contains anything in html
       !</p></body></html><#/part>" )
       I pasted my signature instead of the hello world text of course, but
       you only have to use the part tag and you are done ! The rest of your
       mails will be plain text, except this part.