Title: Android phone and Unix
       Author: Solène
       Date: 06 September 2016
       Tags: android emacs
       If you have an android Phone, here are two things you may like:
       ### Org-mode <=> Android ###
       First is the MobileOrg *app* to synchronize your calendar/tasks
       between your computer org-mode files and your phone. I am using
       org-mode since a few months, I think I do pretty basics things with it
       like having a todo list with a deadline for each item. Having it in my
       phone calendar is a good enhancement. I can also add todo items from
       my phone to show it on my computer.
       The phone and your computer get synced by publishing a special format
       of org files for the mobile on a remote server. Mobile Org supports
       ssh, webdav, dropbox or sdcard. I'm using ssh because I own a server
       and I can reliabily have my things connected together there on a
       dedicated account. Emacs will then use tramp to publish/retrieve the
       [Official MobileOrg
       [MobileOrg on Google
       ### Read/Write sms from a remote place ###
       Second useful thing I like with my android phone is being able to
       write and send sms (+ some others things but I was most interested by
       SMS) from my computer. A few services already exists but they work
       with "cloud" logic and I don't want my phone to be connected to one
       more service. The MAXS *app* provides me what I need : ability to
       read/write the sms of my phone from the computer **without web
       browser** and relying on my own services. MAXS connects the phone to a
       XMPP account and you set a whitelist of XMPP mails able to send
       commands, that's all. Here are a few examples of use:
       To write a SMS I just need to speak to the jabber account of my phone
       and write
           sms send firstname lastname  hello how are you ?
       this so MAXS can make easily the difference between the name and the
       I can also reply quickly to the last contacted person 
           reply to Yes I'm answering from my computer
       To read the last **n** sms
           sms read n
       It's still not perfect because sometimes it lose connectivity and you
       can't speak with it anymore but from the project author it's not a
       problem seen on every phone. I did not have the time yet to report
       exactly the problem (I need to play with Android Debug Bridge for
       that). If you want to install MAXS, you will need a few *app* from the
       store to get it working. First, you will need MAXS main and MAXS
       transport (a plugin to use XMPP) and then plugins for the differents
       commands you want, so, maybe, smsread and smswrite. Check their
       website for more informations.
       As presenter earlier on my website, I use profanity as XMPP
       client. It's a light and easy to configure/use console client.
       [Official MAXS Website](http://projectmaxs.org/homepage/)
       [MAXS on Google