Title: How to deploy Vger gemini server on OpenBSD
       Author: Solène
       Date: 30 November 2020
       Tags: gemini openbsd
       ## Introduction
       In this article I will explain how to install and configure Vger, a
       gemini server.
 (HTM) What is the gemini protocol
       Short introduction about Gemini: it's a very recent protocol that is
       being simplistic and limited. Keys features are: pages are written in
       markdown like, mandatory TLS, no header, UTF-8 encoding only.
       ## Vger program
 (HTM) Vger source code
       I wrote Vger to discover the protocol and the Gemini space. I had a lot
       of fun with it, it was the opportunity for me to rediscover the C
       language with a better approach. The sources include a full test suite.
       This test suite was unvaluable for the development process.
       Vger was really built with security in mind from the first lines of
       code, now it offers the following features:
       * chroot and privilege dropping, and on OpenBSD it uses unveil/pledge
       all the time
       * virtualhost support
       * language selection
       * MIME detection
       * handcrafted man page, OpenBSD quality!
       The name Vger is a reference to the 1979 first Star Trek movie.
 (HTM) Star Trek: The Motion Picture
       ## Install Vger
       Compile vger.c using clang or gcc
       ```shell command, dollar sign for regular user and pound sign for root
       $ make
       # install -o root -g bin -m 755 vger /usr/local/bin/vger
       Vger receives requests on stdin and gives the result on stdout. It
       doesn't take account of the hostname given but a request MUST start
       with `gemini://`.
 (HTM) vger official homepage
       ## Setup on OpenBSD
       Create directory /var/gemini/, files will be served from there.
       Create the `_gemini` user:
       ```shell command as root
       useradd -s /sbin/nologin _gemini
       Configure vger in /etc/inetd.conf
       ```configuration line for /etc/inetd.conf
       11965 stream tcp nowait _gemini /usr/local/bin/vger vger
       Inetd will run vger` with the _gemini user. You need to take care that
       /var/gemini/ is readable by this user.
       inetd is a wonderful daemon listening on ports and running commands
       upon connections. This mean when someone connects on the port 11965,
       inetd will run vger as _gemini and pass the network data to its
       standard input, vger will send the result to the standard output
       captured by inetd that will transmit it back to the TCP client.
       Tell relayd to forward connections in relayd.conf
       ```configuration sample for /etc/relayd.conf
       log connection
       relay "gemini" {
           listen on port 1965 tls
           forward to port 11965
       Make links to the certificates and key files according to relayd.conf
       documentation. You can use acme / certbot / dehydrate or any "Let's
       Encrypt" client to get certificates. You can also generate your own
       certificates but it's beyond the scope of this article.
       ```shell commands as root
       # ln -s /etc/ssl/acme/cert.pem /etc/ssl/\:1965.crt
       # ln -s /etc/ssl/acme/private/privkey.pem /etc/ssl/private/\:1965.key
       Enable inetd and relayd at boot and start them
       ```shell commands as root
       # rcctl enable relayd inetd
       # rcctl start relayd inetd
       From here, what's left is populating /var/gemini/ with the files you
       want to publish, the `index.md` file is special because it will be the
       default file if no file are requests.