Title: Introduction to security good practices
       Author: Solène
       Date: 09 May 2021
       Tags: security
       # Introduction
       I wanted to share my thoughts about security in regards to computers. 
       Let's try to summarize it as a list of rules.
       If you read it and you disagree, please let me know, I can be wrong.
       # Good practices
       Here is a list of good practices I've found over time.
       ## Passwords policy
       Passwords are a mess, we need many of them every day but they are not
       practical.  I do highly recommend to use an unique random password for
       every password needed.  I switched to "keepassxc" to manage my
       passwords, there are many password managers on the market.
       When I need to register a password, I use the longest possible allowed
       and I keep in my password database.
       If I got hacked with my password database, all my passwords are leaked,
       but if I didn't use it and had only one password, good chance it would
       be registered somewhere and then the hacker would have access to
       everything too.  The best situation would be to have a really effective
       memory but I don't want to rely on it.
       I still recommend to have a few passwords in your memory, like the one
       for your backups, your user session and the one to unlock the password
       When possible, use multi factor authentication.  I like the TOTP (Timed
       One Time Password) method because it works without any third party
       service and can be stored securely in a backup.
       ## Devices trust
       It's important to define a level of trust in the devices you use.  I do
       not trust my Windows gaming computer, I would not let it have access to
       my password database.  I do not trust my phone device enough for that
       job too.
       If my phone requires a password, I generate one and keep it in my
       password database and I will create a QR code to scan with the phone
       instead of copying that very long password.  The phone will have the
       password locally but not the entire database but yet it remains quite
       ## Define your threat model
       When you think about security, you need to think what kind of security
       you want, sometimes this will also imply thinking about privacy.
       Let's think about my home file server, it's a small device which only
       one disk and doesn't have access to the internet.  It could be hacked
       from a remote person, this is possible but very unlikely.  On the other
       hand, a thief could come into my house a steal a few things, like this
       server and its data.  It makes a lot of sense to use disk encryption
       for devices that could be stolen (let make it short, I mean all
       On the other hand, if I had to manage a mail server with IMAP / SMTP
       services on it, I would harden it a lot from external attacks and I
       would have to make some extra security policies for it.
       ## Think about usability
       Most of the time, security and usability doesn't play together, if you
       increase security that will be at the expense of usability and
       vice-versa.  I'll go back to my IMAP server, I could enable and enforce
       connecting over TLS for my users, that would prevent their connections
       to be eavesdropped.  I could also enforce a VPN (that I manage myself,
       not a commercial VPN that can see all my traffic..) to connect to the
       IMAP server, that would prevent anyone without a VPN to connect to the
       server.  I could also restrict that VPN connection from a list of
       public IP.  I could require the VPN access from an allowed IP to be
       unlocked by an SSH connection requiring TOTP + password + public key to
       At this point, I'm pretty sure my users will give up and put an
       automatic redirection of their emails to an other mail server which
       will be usable to them, I'd be defeated by my users because of too much
       ## Don't lock yourself out
       When you come to encrypt everything or lock everything on the network,
       it could be complicated to avoid data loss or being locked out from the
       If you have important passwords, you could use Shamir's Secret Sharing
       (I wrote about it a while back) to split a password in multiples pieces
       that you would convert as QR code and give a copy to a few person you
       know, to help you recover the data if you forget about the password
       ## Backups
       It's important to make backups, but it's even more important to encrypt
       them and have them out in a different area of your storage.  My
       practice here is to daily backup all my computer data (which is quite
       huge) but also backup only my most important data to remote servers.  I
       can afford losing my music files but I'd prefer to be able to recover
       my GPG and SSH keys in case of huge disaster at home.
       ## User management
       If a hacker got control of your user, it may be over for you.  It's
       important to only run programs you trust and no network related
       If you need to run something you are unsure, use a virtual machine or
       at least a dedicated user that won't have access to your user's data. 
       My $HOMEDIR has a chmod 700 so only root and me can access it.  If I
       need to run a service, I will use a dedicated user to it.  It's not
       always convenient but it's effective.
       # Conclusion
       Good software with a good design are important for the security, but
       they don't do all the job when it comes to security.  Users must be
       aware of risks and act accordingly.