Title: Use ramdisk on /tmp on OpenBSD
       Author: Solène
       Date: 08 May 2018
       Tags: openbsd70 openbsd
       If you have enough memory on your system and that you can afford to
       use a few hundred megabytes to store temporary files, you may want to
       mount a mfs filesystem on /tmp. That will help saving your SSD drive,
       and if you use an old hard drive or a memory stick, that will reduce
       your disk load and improve performances. You may also want to mount a
       ramdisk on others mount points like ~/.cache/ or a database for some
       reason, but I will just explain how to achieve this for /tmp with is a
       very common use case.
       First, you may have heard about **tmpfs**, but it has been disabled in
       OpenBSD years ago because it wasn't stable enough and nobody fixed
       it. So, OpenBSD has a special filesystem named **mfs**, which is a FFS
       filesystem on a reserved memory space. When you mount a mfs
       filesystem, the size of the partition is reserved and can't be used
       for anything else (tmpfs, as the same on Linux, doesn't reserve the
       Add the following line in /etc/fstab (following fstab(5)):
           swap /tmp mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,-s=300m 0 0
       The permissions of the mountpoint /tmp should be fixed **before**
       mounting it, meaning that the `/tmp` folder on `/` partition
       should be changed to 1777:
           # umount /tmp
           # chmod 1777 /tmp
           # mount /tmp
       This is required because **mount_mfs** inherits permissions from the