Title: Neomutt cheatsheet
       Author: Solène
       Date: 23 April 2019
       Tags: neomutt openbsd
       I switched from a homemade script using mblaze to neomutt (after being
       using mutt, alpine and mu4e) and it's difficult to remember everything.
        So, let's do a cheatsheet!
       - Mark as read: `Ctrl+R`
       - Mark to delete: `d`
       - Execute deletion: `$`
       - Tag a mail: `t`
       - Move a mail: `s` (for save, which is a copy + delete)
       - Save a mail: `c` (for copy)
       - Operation on tagged mails: ;[OP] with OP being the key for that
       operation, like `;d` for deleting tagged emails or `;s` for moving them
       ### Operations on attachments
       - Save to file: `s`
       - Pipe to view as html: `|` and then `w3m -T text/html`
       - Pipe to view as picture: `|` and then `feh -`
       ### Delete mails based on date
       - use `T` to enter a date range, format [before]-[after] with
       before/after being a DD/MM/YYYY format (YYYY is optional)
       - `~d 24/04-` to mark mails after 24/04 of this year
       - `~d -24/04` to mark mails before 24/04 of this year
       - `~d 24/04-25/04` to mark mails between 24/04 and 25/04 (inclusive)
       - `;d` to tell neomutt we want to delete marked mails
       - `$` to make deletion happen
       ### Simple config
       Here is a simple config I've built to get Neomutt usable for me.
       set realname = "Jane Doe"
       set from = "jane@doe.com"
       set smtp_url = "smtps://login@doe.com:465"
       alias me Jane Doe <login@doe.com>
       set folder = "imaps://login@doe.com:993"
       set imap_user = "login"
       set header_cache     = /home/solene/.cache/neomutt/jane/headers
       set message_cachedir = /home/solene/.cache/neomutt/jane/bodies
       set imap_pass = "xx"
       set smtp_pass = "xx"
       set imap_idle = yes       # IMAP push (supposed to work)
       set mbox_type = Maildir
       set ssl_starttls = yes
       set ssl_force_tls = yes
       set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
       set record = "+Sent"
       set postponed = "+Drafts"
       set trash = "+Trash"
       set imap_list_subscribed = yes
       set imap_check_subscribed
       set sidebar_visible
       set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S"
       set mail_check_stats
       bind index,pager \Cp sidebar-prev         # Ctrl-Shift-p - Previous Mailbox
       bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next         # Ctrl-Shift-n - Next Mailbox
       bind index,pager \Ca sidebar-open         # Ctrl-Shift-a - Open Highlighted Mailbox
       bind index "," imap-fetch-mail            # ,            - Get new emails
       bind index,pager "N" next-unread-mailbox  # Jump to next unread email
       # regroup by threads
       set sort=threads
       # display only interesting headers
       ignore *
       unignore from date subject to cc
       unignore organization organisation x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
       unignore posted-to: