Title: Create a new OpenBSD partition from unused space
       Author: Solène
       Date: 20 September 2018
       Tags: openbsd highlight
       The default OpenBSD partition layout uses a pre-defined template. If
       you have a disk more than 356 GB you will have unused space with the
       default layout (346 GB before 6.4).
       It's possible to create a new partition to use that space if you did
       not modify the default layout at installation. You only need to start
       **disklabel** with flag *-E** and type **a** to add a partition,
       default will use all remaining space for the partition.
           # disklabel -E sd0
           Label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
           > a
           partition: [m]
           offset: [741349952]
           size: [258863586]
           FS type: [4.2BSD]
           > w
           > q
           No label changes.
       The new partition here is **m**. We can format it with:
           # newfs /dev/rsd0m
       Then, you should add it to your **/etc/fstab**, for that, use the same
       uuid as for other partitions, it would look something like
           52fdd1ce48744600.e /data ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
       It will be auto mounted at boot, you only need to create the folder
       /data. Now you can do
           # mkdir /data
           # mount /data
       and **/data** is usable right now.
       You can read [disklabel(8)](https://man.openbsd.org/disklabel.8) and
       [newfs](https://man.openbsd.org/newfs.8) for more informations.