Title: OpenVPN on OpenBSD in its own rdomain to prevent data leak
       Author: Solène
       Date: 16 December 2021
       Tags: openbsd openvpn security
       Description: This article explains how to prevent programs to access
       the Internet through a non VPN interface.
       # Introduction
       Today I will explain how to establish an OpenVPN tunnel through a
       dedicated rdomain to only expose the VPN tunnel as an available
       interface, preventing data leak outside the VPN (and may induce privacy
       issues).  I did the same recently for WireGuard tunnels, but it had an
       integrated mechanism for this.
       Let's reuse the network diagram from the WireGuard text to explain:
       ```network diagram in text
           |   server    | tun0 remote peer
           |             |---------------+
           +-------------+               |
                  | public IP            |
                  |              |
                  |                      |
                  |                      |
           /\/\/\/\/\/\/\                |OpenVPN
           |  internet  |                |VPN
           \/\/\/\/\/\/\/                |
                  |                      |
                  |                      |
                  |rdomain 1             |
           +-------------+               |
           |   computer  |---------------+
           +-------------+ tun0
                           rdomain 0 (default)
       We have our computer and have been provided an OpenVPN configuration
       file, we want to establish the OpenVPN toward the server using
       rdomain 1.  We will set our network interfaces into rdomain 1 so when
       the VPN is NOT up, we won't be able to connect to the Internet (without
       the VPN).
       # Network configuration
       Add "rdomain 1" to your network interfaces configuration file like
       "/etc/hostname.trunk0" if you use a trunk interface to aggregate
       Ethernet/Wi-Fi interfaces into an automatic fail over trunk, or in each
       interface you are supposed to use regularly.  I suppose this setup is
       mostly interesting for wireless users.
       Create a "/etc/hostname.tun0" file that will be used to prepare the
       tun0 interface for OpenVPN, add "rdomain 0" to the file, this will be
       enough to create the tun0 interface at startup. (Note that the keyword
       "up" would work too, but if you edit your files I find it easier to
       understand the rdomains of each interface).
       Run "sh /etc/netstart" as root to apply changes done to the files, you
       should have your network interfaces in rdomain 1 now.
       # OpenVPN configuration
       From here, I assume your OpenVPN configuration works.  The OpenVPN
       client/server setup is out of the scope of this text.
       We will use rcctl to ensure openvpn service is enabled (if it's already
       enabled this is not an issue), then we will configure it to use rtable
       1 to run, this mean it will connect through the interfaces in the
       rdomain 1.
       If your OpenVPN configuration runs a script to set up the route(s)
       (through "up /etc/something..." directive in the configuration file),
       you will have to by add parameter -T0 to the command route in the
       script.  This is important because openvpn will run in rdomain 1 so
       calls to "route" will apply to routing table 1, so you must change the
       route command to apply the changes in routing table 0.
       rcctl enable openvpn
       rcctl set openvpn rtable 1
       rcctl restart openvpn
       Now, you should have your tun0 interface in rdomain 0, being the
       default route and the other interfaces in rdomain 1.
       If you run any network program it will go through the VPN, if the VPN
       is down, the programs won't connect to the Internet (which is the
       wanted behavior here).
       # Conclusion
       The rdomain and routing tables concepts are powerful tools, but they
       are not always easy to grasp, especially in a context of a VPN mixing
       both (one for connectivity and one for the tunnel).  People using VPN
       certainly want to prevent their programs to not go through the VPN and
       this setup is absolutely effective in that task.