Title: Measuring power efficiency of a CPU frequency scheduler on
       Author: Solène
       Date: 26 September 2021
       Tags: openbsd power efficiency
       # Introduction
       I started to work on the OpenBSD code dealing with the CPU frequency
       scaling.  The current automatic logic is a trade-off between okay
       performance and okay battery.  I'd like the auto policy to be different
       when on battery and when on current (for laptops) to improve battery
       life for nomad users and performance for people connected to the grid.
       I've been able to make raw changes to produce this effect but before
       going further, I wanted to see if I got any improvement in regards to
       battery life and to which extent if it was positive.
       In the incoming sections of the article I will refer to Wh unit,
       meaning Watt-hour. It's a measurement unit for a quantity of energy
       used, because energy used is absolutely not linear, we can make an
       average of the usage and scale it to one hour so it's easy to compare. 
       An oven drawing 1 kW when on and being on for an hour will use 1 kWh
       (one kilowatt-hour), while an electric heater drawing 2 kW when on and
       turned on for 30 minutes will use 1 kWh too.
 (HTM) Kilowatt Hour explanation from Wikipedia
       # How to understand power usage for nomad users
       While one may think that the faster we do a task, the less time the
       system stay up and the less battery we use, it's not entirely true for
       laptops or computers.
       There are two kinds of load on a system: interactive and
       non-interactive. In non-interactive mode, let's imagine the user powers
       on the computer, run a job and expect it to be finished as soon as
       possible and then shutdown the computer.  This is (I think) highly
       unusual for people using a laptop on battery.  Most of the time, users
       with a laptop will want their computer to be able to stay up as long as
       possible without having to charge.
       In this scenario I will call interactive, the computer may be up with
       lot of idle time where the human operator is slowly typing, thinking or
       reading.  Usually one doesn't power off a computer and power it on
       again while the person is sitting in front of the laptop.  So, for a
       given task among the main task "staying up" may not be more efficient
       (in regards to battery) if it takes less time, because whatever the
       time it will take to do X() the system will stay up after.
       # Testing protocol
       Here is the protocol I did for the testing "powersaving" frequency
       policy and then the regular auto policy.
       1. Clean package of games/gzdoom
       2. Unplug charger
       3. Dump hw.sensors.acpibat1.watthour3 value in a file (it's the
       remaining battery in Wh)
       4. Run compilation of the port games/gzdoom with dpb set to use all
       5. Dump watthour3 value again
       6. Wait until 18 minutes and 43 seconds
       7. Dump watthour3 value again
       Why games/gzdoom? It's a port I know can be compiled with parallel
       build allowing to use all CPU and I know it takes some times but isn't
       too short too.
       Why 18 minutes and 43 seconds?  It's the time it takes for the
       powersaving policy to compile games/gzdoom.  I needed to compare the
       amount of energy used by both policies for the exact same time with the
       exact same job done (remember the laptop must be up as long as
       possible, so we don't shutdown it after compiling gzdoom).
       I could have extended the duration of the test so the powersaving would
       have had some idle time but given the idle time is drawing the exact
       same power with both policies, that would have been meaningless.
       # Results
       I'm planning to add results for the lowest and highest modes (apm -L
       and apm -H) to see the extremes.
       ## Compilation time
       As expected, powersaving was slower than the auto mode, 18 minutes and
       43 seconds versus 14 minutes and 31 seconds for the auto policy.
       ```result numbers with compilation time
       Policy                Compile time        Idle time
       ------                ------------        ---------
       powersaving        1123                0
       auto                871                252
 (IMG) Chart showing the difference in time spent for the two policies
       ## Energy used
       We see that the powersaving used more energy for the duration of the
       compilation of gzdoom, 5.9 Wh vs 5.6 Wh, but as we don't turn off the
       computer after the compilation is done, the auto mode also spent a few
       minutes idling and used 0.74 Wh in that time.
       ```result numbers with energy usage
       Policy                Compile power        Idle power        Total (Wh)
       ------                ------------        ---------        ----------
       powersaving        5,90                0,00                5,90
       auto                5,60                0,74                6,34
 (IMG) Chart showing the difference in energy used for the two policies
       # Conclusion
       For the same job done: compiling games/gzdoom and stay on for 18
       minutes and 43 seconds, the powersaving policy used 5.90 Wh while the
       auto mode used 6.34 Wh.  This is a saving of 6.90% of power.
       This is a testing policy I made for testing purposes, it may be too
       conservative for most people, I don't know.  I'm currently playing with
       this and with a reproducible benchmark like this one I'm able to
       compare results between changes in the scheduler.