Title: OpenBSD mirror over Tor / I2P
       Author: Solène
       Date: 25 May 2024
       Tags: privacy openbsd tor i2p
       Description: In this article, you will learn how to reach an OpenBSD
       mirror over Tor or I2P
       # Introduction
       For an upcoming privacy related article about OpenBSD I needed to setup
       an access to an OpenBSD mirror both from a Tor hidden service and I2P.
       The server does not contain any data, it only act as a proxy fetch
       files from a random existing OpenBSD mirror, so it does not waste
       bandwidth mirroring everything, the server does not have the storage
       required anyway.  There is a little cache to keep most requested files
 (HTM) Wikipedia page about I2P protocol
 (HTM) Wikipedia page about Tor
       It is only useful if you can not reach OpenBSD mirrors, or if you
       really need to hide your network activity.  Tor or I2P will be much
       slower than connecting to a mirror using HTTP(s).
       However, as they exist now, let me explain how to start using them.
       # Tor
       Using a client with tor proxy enabled, you can reach the following
       address to download installers or sets.
 (HTM) OpenBSD onion mirror over Tor
       If you want to install or update your packages from tor, you can use
       the onion address in `/etc/installurl`. However, it will not work for
       sysupgrade and syspatch, and you need to export the variable
       `FETCH_CMD="/usr/local/bin/curl -L -s -q -N -x
       socks5h://"` in your environment to make `pkg_*` programs
       able to use the mirror.
       To make sysupgrade or syspatch able to use the onion address, you need
       to have the program `torsocks` installed, and patch the script to use
       * `sed -i 's,ftp -N,/usr/local/bin/torsocks &,' /usr/sbin/sysupgrade`
       for sysupgrade
       * `sed -i 's,ftp -N,/usr/local/bin/torsocks &,' /usr/sbin/syspatch` for
       These patches will have to be reapplied after each sysupgrade run.
       # I2P
       If you have a client with i2p proxy enabled, you can reach the
       following address to download installers or sets.
 (HTM) OpenBSD mirror address over I2P
       If you want to install or update your packages from i2p, install i2pd
       with `pkg_add i2pd`, edit the file `/etc/i2pd/i2pd.conf` to set
       `notransit = true` except if you want to act as an i2p relay (high
       cpu/bandwidth consumption).
       Replace the file `/etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf` by the following content (or
       adapt your current tunnels.conf if you configured it earlier):
       type = client
       address =
       port = 8080
       destination = 2st32tfsqjnvnmnmy3e5o5y5hphtgt4b2letuebyv75ohn2w5umq.b32.i2p
       destinationport = 8081
       keys = mirror.dat
       Now, enable and start i2pd with `rcctl enable i2pd && rcctl start
       After a few minutes to let i2pd establish tunnels, you should be able
       to browse the mirror over i2p using the address
       ``.  You can configure the port 8080 to another
       you prefer by modifying the file `tunnels.conf`.
       You can use the address `` in
       `/etc/installurl` to automatically use the I2P mirror for
       installing/updating packages, or keeping your system up to date with
       Note: from experience the I2P mirror works fine to install packages,
       but did not play well with fw_update, syspatch and sysupgrade, maybe
       because they use ftp command that seems to easily drop the connection. 
       Downloading the files locally using a proper HTTP client supporting
       transfer resume would be better.  On the other hand, this issue may be
       related to the current attack the I2P network is facing as of the time
       of writing (May 2024).
       # Firmware mirror
       OpenBSD pulls firmware from a different server than the regular
       mirrors, the address is `http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/`, the
       files on this server are signed packages, they can be installed using
       `fw_update $file`.
       Both i2p and tor hidden service hostname can be reused, you only have
       to change `/pub/OpenBSD/` by `/firmware/` to browse the files. 
       The proxy server does not cache any firmware, it directly proxy to the
       genuine firmware web server.  They are on a separate server for legal
       matter, it seems to be a grey area.
       ## Disable firmware.openbsd.org
       For maximum privacy, you need to neutralize `firmware.openbsd.org` DNS
       lookup using a hosts entry.  This is important because `fw_update` is
       automatically used after a system upgrade (as of 2024).
       In `/etc/hosts` add the line:
       ``` firmware.openbsd.org
       The IP in the snippet above is not a mistake, it will avoid fw_update
       to try to connect to a local web server if any.
       ## Tor access
       If you use tor, it is complicated to patch `fw_update` to use torsocks,
       the best method is to download the firmware manually.
 (HTM) Firmware onion address
       ## I2P access
       If you use i2p, you can reuse the tunnel configuration described in the
       I2P section, and pass the full url to `fw_update`:
       # release users
       fw_update -p$(uname -r)/
       # snapshot users
       fw_update -p
       Or you can browse the I2P url using an http client with the i2p proxy
       to download the firmware manually.
 (HTM) Firmware i2p address
       # Conclusion
       There were no method to download OpenBSD files over Tor and I2P for
       people really needing it, it is now a thing.
       If you encounter issues with the service, please let me know.