Title: Port of the week: tig
       Author: Solène
       Date: 10 April 2018
       Tags: unix git versioning
       Today we will discover the software named **tig** whose name stands
       for **Text-mode Interface for Git**.
       To install it on OpenBSD: `pkg_add tig`
       Tig is a light and easy to use terminal application to browse a git
       repository in an interactive manner. To use it, just 'cd' into a git
       repository on your filesystem and type `tig`. You will get the list of
       all the commits, with the author and the date. By pressing "Enter" key
       on a commit, you will get the diff. Tig also displays branching and
       merging in a graphical way.
       Tig has some parameters, one I like a lot if `blame` which is used
       like this: `tig blame afile`. Tig will show the file content and will
       display for each line to date of last commit, it's author and the
       small identifier of the commit. With this function, it gets really
       easy to find who modified a line or when it was modified.
       Tig has a lot of others possibilities, you can discover them in its
       man pages.