Title: OpenBSD in a CI environment with sourcehut
       Author: Solène
       Date: 03 December 2023
       Tags: openbsd devops git
       Description: In this article, you will learn how to use sourcehut git
       forge to run CI in an OpenBSD environment
       # Introduction
       If you ever required continuous integration pipelines to do some
       actions in an OpenBSD environment, you certainly figured that most Git
       "forge" didn't provide OpenBSD as a host environment for the CI.
       It turns out that sourcehut is offering many environments, and OpenBSD
       is one among them, but you can also find Guix, NixOS, NetBSD, FreeBSD
       or even 9front!
       Let's see how this works.
 (HTM) sourcehut official website
 (HTM) sourcehut: Documentation about host systems offering in CI
       Note that the CI is only available to paid accounts, the minimal fee is
       "$2/month or $20/year".  There are no tiers, so as long as you pay
       something you have a paid account.  sourcehut is offering a
       clutter-free web interface, and developing an open source product that
       is also capable of running OpenBSD in a CI environment, I decided to
       support them (I really rarely subscribe to any kind of services).
       PS: sourcehut supports Mercurial projects too.
       # The CI
       Upon each CI trigger, a new VM is created, it's possible to define the
       operating system and version you want for the environment, and then
       what to do in it.
       The CI works when you have a "manifest" file in your project with the
       path `.build.yml` at the root of your project, it contains all the
       information about what to do.
 (HTM) sourcehut: Documentation about manifests and builds
       # Secret management
       When you run code in a CI, you often need secrets, and most often you
       require SSH keys if you want to push artefacts.
       The SSH key secret is simplified, if sourcehut recognizes a secret to
       be a private SSH key, it will automatically save it at the right place.
 (HTM) sourcehut: Documentation about secrets in CI
       # Example
       Here is a simple example of a manifest file I use to build a website
       using the static generator hugo, and then push the result on a remote
       image: openbsd/latest
         - hugo--
         - rsync--
         - f20c67ec-64c2-46a2-a308-6ad929c5d2e7
         - git@git.sr.ht:~solene/my-project
         - init: |
             cd my-project
             git clone https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod themes/PaperMod --depth=1
         - build: |
             cd my-project
             echo 'web.perso.pw ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKRj0NK7ZPMQgkgqw8V4JUcoT4GP6CIS2kjutB6xdR1P' | tee -a ~/.ssh/known_hosts
       On the example above, we can notice different parts:
       * image: this tells the manifest which OS to use, openbsd/latest means
       latest release.
       * packages: this tells which packages to install, it's OS-agnostic.  I
       use extra dashes because some alternate versions of these packages
       exists, I just want the simple flavour for each.
       * secrets: this tells which secret I want among the secrets stored in
       sourcehut.  This is a dedicated private SSH key in this case.
       * sources: this tells which sources to clone in the CI. Be careful
       though, if a repository is private, the CI needs to have the SSH key to
       access the repository.  I spent some time figuring this the hard way.
       * tasks: this defines which commands to run, they are grouped in jobs.
       If you use SSH, don't forget to either use `ssh-keyscan` to generate
       the content for `~/.ssh/known_hosts`, or add the known fingerprint like
       me that would require an update if the SSH host key changes.
       A cool thing is when your CI job failed, the environment will continue
       to live for at least 10 minutes while offering an SSH access for debug
 (HTM) sourcehut: Documentation about SSH into build environments
       # Conclusion
       I finally found a Git forge that is ethic and supportive of niche
       operating system.  Its interface may be rude with fewer features, but
       it loads faster and is cleaner to understand.  The price ($20/year) is
       higher than the competition (GitHub or GitLab) which can be used freely
       (up to some point) but they don't offer the CI choice and the elegant
       workflow sourcehut has.
       # Going further
       You can self-host a sourcehut instance if you prefer, it's open source
       and packaged for some Linux distributions.
 (HTM) sourcehut: Documentation about the deployment process