Title: Improve your SSH agent security
       Author: Solène
       Date: 24 May 2024
       Tags: ssh openbsd security
       Description: In this article, you will learn a few tips to enhance the
       security of the software holding your SSH keys
       # Introduction
       If you are using SSH quite often, it is likely you use an SSH agent
       which stores your private key in memory so you do not have to type your
       password every time.
       This method is convenient, but it comes at the expense of your SSH key
       use security, anyone able to use your session while the agent holds the
       key unlocked can use your SSH key.  This scenario is most likely to
       happen when using a compromised build script.
       However, it is possible to harden this process at a small expense of
       convenience, make your SSH agent ask for confirmation every time the
       key has to be used.
       # Setup
       The tooling provided with OpenSSH comes with a simple SSH agent named
       `ssh-agent`.  On OpenBSD, the agent is automatically started and ask to
       unlock your key upon graphical login if it finds a SSH key in the
       default path (like `~/.ssh/id_rsa`).
       Usually, the method to run the ssh-agent is the following.  In a shell
       script defining your environment at an early stage, either your
       interactive shell configuration file or the script running your X
       session, you use `eval $(ssh-agent -s)`.  This command runs ssh-agent
       and also enable the environment variables to make it work.
       Once your ssh-agent is correctly configured, it is required to add a
       key into it, now, here are two methods to proceed.
       ## OpenSSH ssh-add
       In addition to ssh-agent, OpenSSH provides ssh-add to load keys into
       the agent.  It is simple of use, just run `ssh-add /path/to/key`.
 (HTM) ssh-add manual page
       If you want to have a GUI confirmation upon each SSH key use, just add
       the flag `-c` to this command line: `ssh-add -c /path/to/key`.
       In OpenBSD, if you have your key at a standard location, you can modify
       the script `/etc/X11/xenodm/Xsession` to change the first occurrence of
       `ssh-add` by `ssh-add -c`.  You will still be greeting for your key
       password upon login, but you will be asked for each of its use.
       ## KeepassXC
       It turns out the password manager KeepassXC can hold SSH keys, it works
       great for having used for a while.  KeepassXC can either store the
       private key within its database or load a private key from the
       filesystem using a path and unlock it using a stored password, the
       choice is up to you.
       You need to have the ssh-agent variables in your environment to have
       the feature work, as KeepassXC will replace ssh-add only, not the
       KeepassXC documentation has a "SSH Agent integration" section
       explaining how it works and how to configure it.
 (HTM) KeepassXC official documentation
       In the key settings and "SSH Agent" tab, there is a checkbox to ask
       user confirmation upon each key use.
       # Other security features
       ## Timeout
       I would recommend to automatically delete the key from the agent after
       some time, this is especially useful if you do not actively use your
       SSH key.
       In `ssh-add`, this can be achieved using `-t time` flag (it's tea time,
       if you want to remember about it), where time is a number of seconds or
       a time format specified in sshd_config, like 5s for 5 seconds, 10m for
       10 minutes, 16h for 16 hours or 2d for 2 days.
       In KeepassXC, it's in the key settings, within the SSH agent tab, you
       can configure the delay before the key is removed from the agent.
       # Conclusion
       The ssh-agent is a practical software that ease the use of SSH keys
       without much compromise with regards to security, but some extra
       security could be useful in certain scenarios, especially for
       developers running untrusted code as their user holding the SSH key.
       While the extra confirmation could still be manipulated by a rogue
       script, it would come with a greater complexity at the cost of being
       spotted more easily.  If you really want to protect your SSH keys, you
       should use them from a hardware token requiring a physical action to
       unlock it. While I find those tokens not practical and expensive, they
       have their use and they can not be beaten by a pure software solution.