Title: Run your own Syncthing relay server on OpenBSD
       Author: Solène
       Date: 03 November 2023
       Tags: syncthing openbsd privacy security networking
       Description: In this article, you will learn how to set-up a Syncthing
       relay server on OpenBSD
       # Introduction
       In earlier blog posts, I covered the program Syncthing and its
       features, then how to self-host a discovery server.  I'll finish the
       series with the syncthing relay server.
       The Syncthing relay is the component that receives file from a peer to
       transmit it to the other when two peers can't establish a direct
       connection, by default Syncthing uses its huge worldwide community pool
       of relays.  However, while data are encrypted, this leaks some
       information and some relays may be malicious and store files until it
       could be possible to make use of the content (weakness in encryption
       algorithm, better computers etc…).
       Running your own Syncthing relay server will allow you to secure the
       whole synchronization between peers.
       => https://relays.syncthing.net/
 (HTM) Syncthing official documentation: relay server
       Related blog posts
 (HTM) Presenting Syncthing features
 (HTM) Blog post about the complementary discovery server
       A simple use case for a relay: you have Syncthing configured between a
       smartphone on its WAN network and a computer behind a NAT, it's
       unlikely they will be able to communicate to each other directly, they
       will need a relay to synchronize.
       # Setup
       On OpenBSD, you will need the binary `strelaysrv` provided by the
       package `syncthing`.
       # pkg_add syncthing
       There is no rc file to start the relay as a service on OpenBSD 7.3, I
       added it to -current and will be available from OpenBSD 7.5, create an
       rc file `/etc/rc.d/syncthing_relay` with the following content:
       . /etc/rc.d/rc.subr
       rc_cmd $1
       The special flag `-pools=''` is there to NOT join the community pool. 
       If you want to contribute to the pool, remove this flag.
       There is nothing else to configure, except enabling the service at
       boot, and running it, at the exception the need to retrieve an
       information from its runtime output:
       rcctl enable syncthing_relay
       rcctl -d start syncthing_relay
       In the output, you will have a line looking like this:
       2023/11/02 11:07:25 main.go:259: URI: relay://
       You need to note down the displayed URI, this is your relay address,
       just replace `` by the actual server IP.
       # Firewall setup
       You need to open the port TCP/22067 for the relay to work, in addition,
       you can open the port 22070 which can be used to display a JSON with
       To reach the status page, you need to visit the page
       # Client configuration
       On the client Web GUI, click on "Actions" and "Settings" to open the
       settings panel.
       In the "Connections tab", you need to enter the relay URI in the first
       field "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses", you can add it after `default`
       by separating the two values with a comma, that would add your own
       relay in addition to the community pool.  You could entirely replace
       the value with the relay URI, in such situation, all peers must use the
       same relay, if they need a relay.
       Don't forget to check the option "Enable relaying", otherwise the relay
       won't be used.
       # Conclusion
       Syncthing is greatly modular, it's pretty cool to be able to self-host
       all of its components separately.  In addition, it's also easy to
       contribute to the community pool if one decides to.
       My relay is set up within a VPN where all my networks are connected, so
       my data are never leaving the VPN.
       # Going further
       It's possible to use a shared passphrase to authenticate with the
       remote relay, this can be useful in the situation where the relay is on
       a public IP, but you only want the nodes holding the shared secret to
       be able to use it.
 (HTM) Syncthing relay server documentation: Access control for private relays