Title: Tmux mastery
       Author: Solène
       Date: 05 July 2018
       Tags: unix shell
       Tips for using Tmux more efficiently
       ### Enter in copy mode
       By default Tmux uses the emacs key-bindings, to make a selection you
       need to enter in `copy-mode` by pressing Ctrl+b and then [ with Ctrl+b
       being the tmux prefix key, if you changed it then do the replacement
       while reading.
       If you need to quit the copy-mode, type **Ctrl+C**.
       ### Make a selection
       While in copy-mode, selects your start or ending position for your
       selection and then press Ctrl+Space to start the selection. Now, move
       your cursor to select the text and press Ctrl+w to validate.
       ### Paste a selection
       When you want to paste your selection, press Ctrl+b ] (you should not
       be in copy-mode for this!).
       ### Make a rectangular selection
       If you want to make a rectangular selection, press Ctrl+space to
       start and immediately, press R (capitalized R), then move your cursor
       and validate with Ctrl+w.
       ### Output the buffer to X buffer
       Make a selection to put the content in tmux buffer, then type
           tmux save-buffer - | xclip
       You may want to look at xclip (it's a package) man page.
       ### Output the buffer to a file
           tmux save-buffer file
       ### Load a file into buffer
       It's possible to load the content of a file inside the buffer for
       pasting it somewhere.
           tmux load-buffer file
       You can also load into the buffer the output of a command, using a
       pipe and - as a file like in this example:
           echo 'something very interesting' | tmux load-buffer -
       ### Display the battery percentage in the status bar
       If you want to display your battery percentage and update it every
       40 seconds, you can add two following lines in `~/.tmux.conf`:
           set status-interval 40
           set -g status-right "#[fg=colour155]#(apm -l)%% | #[fg=colour45]%d
       %b %R"
       This example works on OpenBSD using **apm** command. You can reuse
       this example to display others informations.