Title: Writing my first OpenBSD game using Godot
       Author: Solène
       Date: 28 April 2022
       Tags: gaming openbsd godot
       Description: This article gives a quick introduction to the game engine
       Godot and my experience writing a game with it as a total beginner
       # Introduction
       I'm a huge fan of video games but never really thought about writing
       one.  Well, this crossed my mind a few times, but I don't know anything
       about writing a GUI software or using OpenGL, but a few days ago I
       discovered the open source game engine Godot.
       This game engine is a full-featured tool allowing to easily write 2D or
       3D games that are portables on Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, HTML5
       (using WebASM) and operating systems where the Godot engine is
       available, like OpenBSD.
 (HTM) Godot engine project website
       # Learning
       Godot offers a GUI to write games, the GUI itself being a Godot game,
       it's full featured and come with a code editor, documentation, 2D/3D
       views, animation, tile set management, and much more.
       The documentation is well written and gives introduction to the
       concepts, and then will just teach you how to write a simple 2D game! 
       It only took me a couple of hours to be able to start creating my very
       own first game and getting the grasps.
 (HTM) Godot documentation
       I had no experience into writing games but only programming experience.
        The documentation is excellent and give simple examples that can be
       easily reused thanks to the way Godot is designed.  The forums are also
       a good way to find a solution for common problems.
       # Demo
       I wrote a simple game, OpenBSD themed, especially themed against its
       6.8 version for which the artwork is dedicated to the movie "Hackers". 
       It took me like 8 hours I think to write it, it's long, but I didn't
       see time passing at all, and I learned a lot.  I have a very
       interesting game in my mind, but I need to learn a lot more to be able
       to do it, so starting with simple games is a nice training for me.
       It's easy to play and fun (I hope so), give it a try!
 (HTM) Play it on the web browser
 (HTM) Play it on Linux
 (HTM) Play it on Windows
       If you wish to play on OpenBSD or any other operating system having
       Godot, download the Linux binary and run "godot --main-pack
       puffy-bubble.x86_64" and enjoy.
       I chose a neon style to fit to the theme, it's certainly not everyone's
       taste :)
 (IMG) A screenshot of the game, displaying a simple maze in the neon style, a Puffy mascot, the text "Hack the planet" and a bubble on the top of the maze.