Welcome to Solene gopher space. I like to learn and share stuff with
       people. My interests are '(OpenBSD Lisp Qubes OS security cmdline Gaming). 
       I _love_ % and lambda characters. I'm OpenBSD developer solene@. No AI involved.
       Phlog generated with static blog generator cl-yag, content under CC-BY-4.0.
       Download it with git clone git://bitreich.org/cl-yag
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       Contact me: solene (libera.chat) / solene at dataswamp dot org
                   solene@bsd.network (mastodon)
       If you are a regular Gopher reader, please drop me an email! I'd be happy
       to know there are Gopher users reading me there :-)
 (DIR) WireGuard and Linux network namespaces                                  20240702
 (DIR) OpenBSD scripts to convert wg-quick VPN files                           20240427
 (DIR) What are the VPN available on OpenBSD                                   20211211
 (DIR) Full WireGuard setup with OpenBSD                                       20211009
 (DIR) How to use WireGuard VPN on Guix                                        20210522