# Quality of life ssh config I use a separate ssh key for connecting to deneb, which is a new thing for me, I almost always used the same key from a given workstation. So when I was connecting to deneb, I always had to use -i parameter to provide a different key for the connection. But I got sick of it, so I made a custom ssh host config, to make this more streamlined. ## The config So without further ado, here is the config which you can use to add a host for ssh, with a custom key provided. Just put it in a file in ~/.ssh/config, and fill in the blanks. ``` Host your_hostname Hostname your_hostname.com IdentityFile ~/.ssh/private_key_file IdentitiesOnly yes AddKeysToAgent yes ``` With this config, you only need the following command to connect. ``` > ssh your_hostname ``` You can also use this hostname in other command which use ssh, like git clone: ``` > git clone git@your_hostname:your_repo.git ```