# Making narrated videos Nowadays I'm experimenting with making narrated gameplay videos, and posting them on youtube. My main goal is to practice english, and practice speaking itself. It was a struggle until I learned the process, because the audio track coming from the microphone was of very poor quality, even if I was using a very good microphone. Sadly it seems it needs some post-processing, no matter what. So, here is my process, which is a bit time consuming, but at least it works fine, and the quality is quite good. ## The process - Record the video with Shadowplay (comes with the nVidia driver), making sure the gameplay audio and speech are recorded to separate audio tracks. - Import it into Kdenlive, apply the effect called "Noise Suppressor for Voice" to the speech audio track, and render it into a wav file (this noise reduction works better than the one in audacity). - Import the wav into Audacity, play the audio, and remove any unwanted sounds from it, like breath or other mouth sounds (select on the timeline and press Ctrl-L). - Import the video and the edited audio back into Kdenlive, combine them, adjust volume levels if needed, then render.