(???) home/kapu/bin/roll2d6[1]: ELFð4X4: not found
 (???) home/kapu/bin/roll2d6[14]: syntax error: `^R$O^A^P' unexpected
 (???) home/kapu/bin/gopher-counter.sh[24]: cannot create /home/kapu/gopher-history: Permission denied
                      _  __                          _                    
                     | |/ /   __ _   _ __    _   _  ( )  ___              
                     | ' /   / _` | | '_ \  | | | | |/  / __|             
                     | . \  | (_| | | |_) | | |_| |     \__ \             
                     |_|\_\  \__,_| | .__/   \__,_|     |___/             
         _   _                                   _                       _
        | | | |   __ _   _ __    _ __    _   _  | |   __ _   _ __     __| 
        | |_| |  / _` | | '_ \  | '_ \  | | | | | |  / _` | | '_ \   / _` 
        |  _  | | (_| | | |_) | | |_) | | |_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| 
        |_| |_|  \__,_| | .__/  | .__/   \__, | |_|  \__,_| |_| |_|  \__,_
                        |_|     |_|      |___/                            
                              ** Kapu's Happyland **
               ( or sad little place depending how you look at it. )
       Random David Letterman top ten list
       Top Ten Reasons Colin Powell Doesn't Want to be Bob Dole's Running 
       10.His main responsibility would be cutting Dole's food
       9.Dole keeps asking him, "How are those wooden teeth working out, 
       General Washington?"
       8.Suspects that what Dole is really after is one of his kidneys
       7.Has had dozens of conversations with Dole and not once did he 
       understand a word the guy said
       6.Wants to devote himself to full-scale invasion of local "Hooters"
       5.Dole cuts out of important meetings whenever "Golden Girls" rerun
       are on
       4.Wants to avoid the inevitable headline, "The General and the 
       3.It's hard to organize your schedule when every other hour is 
       2.Feels uncomfortable when Dole tries to impress him by using terms
       like "Def Jam"
       1.If he wanted to get his ass kicked, he'd be playing for the Detro
 (DIR) About Me
 (HTM) Guntari
 (HTM) Afterboot
       visitor 683.
                       Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.4