# HowTo for Editors of Circumlunar Transmissions *(work in progress)* [This document][1] shall provide guidance for editors of the Circumlunar Transmissions zine (CLT) who want to directly work with the Git repository of the zine located at the [Dome][2]. ## Getting Access Editors of the zine should contact yargo at circumlunar.space, providing a copy of their public ssh key they would like to use for accessing the CLT repo, or indicating the location of their key on zaibatsu.circumlunar.space (must be readable publicly). ## Setting up local information and cloning Due to the shared access with ssh public keys, any commit will be attributed to the `clt` user. To make clear who contributed what, it is important that each editor configures the `user.name` and perhaps also the `user.email` values in the repo, e.g with $ git config --local user.name NAME $ git config --local user.email NAME@EXAMPLE.COM (The email value may of course be set to a bogus value, like with the `EXAMPLE.COM` domain, to prevent leakage of the real address.) The account should be configured locally in `~/.ssh/config` as Host cltaccount Hostname dome.circumlunar.space Port 1010 User clt where `cltaccount` can be changed at will, but all other settings should be kept. (If another than the standard ssh key should be used, it can be selected with an `IdentityFile` directive.) A local copy should be made once the settings are correct, by executing $ git clone cltaccount:r/transmissions.git with `cltaccount` being the ssh host configured as explained above. ## Background information The CLT repo is hosted on the [Dome][1] under the user name `clt` which is a restricted shared account. Access is possible only with ssh public-private keys, as is generally the case for the Dome. Users from the [Circumlunar]( https://circumlunar.space ) universe, who in addition are elected editors for the zine, can get their credentials added to the allowed keys for the `clt` users, and then can directly perform all of the standard git commands with the CLT repo. [1]: gopher://dome.circumlunar.space/1/~clt/ "CLT user info" [2]: gopher://dome.circumlunar.space "The Dome in circumlunar.space" --- *(2022-12-14)*