RECV EDC: 10DEC2018 COMM MODE: DSN REFLECT CODED ABST: D/M/C CRC: 2080749424 3456 ============================================================ I always assume I'm going to get caught; it helps me run. When I started transmitting after my escape, I did it because there were some things I felt like I needed to put out into the ether, things that I didn't want to die with me. This is my third transmission. I'm not dead yet. The Corporation hasn't managed to wrap their tentacles around me so far. I've had the time and opportunity to share the things I want to share, but I haven't done it. For the past half-cycle I've been hopping smuggling cruisers. Those pilots will do anything for a price, and they don't give a shriveled ipfthog for the Corporation. I know, because I used to be one of them. During all of the sleep units on these hops, I've been ripped from fitful and unsettled REM stints by a jarring vision. I guess I could call it a dream, but it's more like a demonic incubus, a specter, a harbinger. I claim that I'm not a coy dramatist, but I'm lying to myself. I didn't used to be this way. In the vision it is night. I'm on some planet in an unidentifiable industrial district, but not a dense one. Large metal buildings are dispersed over a slightly sloping expanse, and I'm at a high point so I can see across the landscape. All is darkness, but not the cool darkness that you normal experience in an average atmosphere, single-star system. It's warm, almost uncomfortably hot, and there is a dull orange light everywhere. I look, and notice that all of the buildings are starting to burn. Fear grips me, and I search around for my friends. Names I haven't even thought of for ages come to my lips, and I call out as if I expect them to come running. I want to save them, to escape. In the distant sky, I see a fire tornado form. It is coming toward me. I call again, and as I turn to search the black and orange horizon, I see a person in the shadows. They are standing still, but somehow we are moving closer. I can't scream. I can't run. As the figure advances into the light of the nearest burning warehouse, I see the face. It is my own. All of this I can tell you freely, but I can't tell you the one thing that I desperately need to tell you. Somehow it's not real. It's just a part of the dream, a nightmare that was foisted upon my waking conscience by the Corporation. It can't be real. I won't lend it credence by vocalizing it. I am still afraid. Thankfully, I'm done hopping. I've re-designated, and this last frigate is approaching a system that should afford me at least a little respite from the Corporation. I'll book and pay for transport for another hop, then I'll give it to some street urchin that wants nothing more than to get off planet. I'll take his place, and enjoy the rough and heavy rest of the rejected and forgotten homeless, for a time. When I transmit again, it must be with a clear mind and purpose- otherwise, I see no point in continuing these messages. One last thing before I reflect this: the names, the old friends that I remembered in my dreams; I remember all of them still, now in my waking moments. I can see their faces. Some of them I haven't seen or heard from since I was a small child. I don't know how this is happening, but my soul burns with a frenzied despair that it might have something to do with my waking nightmare.