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       # Prometheus jellyfin-exporter
       Last modification on 2022-10-22
       Some weeks ago I spontaneously started with a little new project. I am writing a
       Prometheus[^1] exporter for the Jellyfin[^2] media server.
       [^1]: https://prometheus.io/
       [^2]: https://jellyfin.org/
       For those of you, who don't know Jellyfin: It's an open-source replacement
       for media servers like *Plex* or *Emby*, serving your media collections.
       For the *Plex* ecosystem there is a software project called *Varken*[^3]
       to aggregate and export metrics, which includes everything needed.
       [^3]: https://github.com/Boerderij/Varken
       Unfortunately, on the Jellyfin end, manpower for such things is very limited.
       So I decided to write the exporter myself by using the data provided by the
       *REST API*[^4]. I could have integrated the exporter into Jellyfin itself,
       but my motivation to touch C# code has been very low since I had to use it
       a lot at work. (*Wash hands after touching C#!*)
       [^4]: https://api.jellyfin.org/
       For now, the amount of metrics is very limited, as the project is still in its
       early alpha stage (I just hacked the few lines of Python together in some
       productive night at 2 AM). But I have already many more REST API endpoints
       to parse on my todo-list.
 (HTM) You can find the repository »here«.