# Computing within limits Dusk OS' authors believe that an important factor in software complexification is the inability to accept limits. We are so used to some of modern conveniences that we became blind to the complexities that they inherently bring and we forget to consider the weight of that complexity in the tradeoff balance. Dusk OS prioritizes simplicity in an aggressive way at the cost of many modern conveniences. ## Concurrency Concurrency has been with us for so long that, as software developers, we've internalized its primary constraint: global variables and states should be avoided. To some of us, avoiding these became a second nature, so much that we don't even see the complexity associated with these habits anymore. However, it's surprising how much simpler problems become once you can assume linear computation and thus have global variables and states. When there's less indirection, the mechanisms to manage them can be simpler, which itself weights less and needs less indirection to manage, and so on. The gain in simplicity is too good to pass, which prompts the question: what do we need concurrency for? In a modern UNIX system, we sure use many processes at once and switch between them. But do we really need to? When your text editor is active, your shell doesn't need to run. The only reason we keep those two process around is because the memory associated with one would be lost if you killed it. But that's UNIX' own fault for managing memory in the way it does. Because Dusk's memory is globally shared, it doesn't need this crutch. Sometimes, we have background processes crunching numbers and we'd like to interact with the computer from some other task that is not CPU intensive. It doesn't happen as often as we think (or at least, not for real reasons; that is, reasons that aren't caused by the mis-designs of our OS or workflow), but it does happen. Those cases can easily be solved by cooperative multi-tasking, that is, a simple system-wide idle loop where pieces of code can be hooked to perform a background process. Sure, this might lead to annoying pauses in interactivity, but really, these situations don't happen as often as we think they do. Another usage of concurrency is to maximally use hardware with multiple CPUs or CPU cores. Because modern hardware is massively overpowered for Dusk's design, we choose to ignore those spurious CPUs. One could imagine using them in Dusk for some specific number crunching purposes, but they will have to build isolation mechanisms for those computations themselves. This use case is not important enough to sacrifice simplicity. Interaction with hardware requires concurrency because they often need to happen in real time, but interrupts are enough for this use case. No need for fancier concurrency mechanisms. ## Memory Dusk's memory is globally shared and there is no virtual memory mechanism. When you access a memory address in the system, it's a direct address. As an OS that wants to be maximally useful to the bare metal hacker, we want to have as few layers of indirection as possible leading to that hardware. Also, simplicity. In programs, memory is generally statically allocated in sizes sufficient to handle reasonable workloads of that program. The statically allocated sizes are configurable system-wide when it makes sense and the effect of changing those sizes is documented as well as possible. While the "malloc" style of memory management is possible in Dusk, it's an exception because it makes the code that uses this memory more complex than it has to be. Semi-temporary data is rather managed through "scratchpads" or "arenas". Scratchpads are statically allocated "rolling" buffers. They're used like a dynamic allocation except you don't ever free them. Instead, you hold them for as short a time as possible, before the scratch pad has the time to overwrite your data. As with other static buffers, scratchpads have a size that is designed to handle reasonable workloads before overwriting data that's in use and when that makes sense, this size is configurable system-wide to allow an operator with irregular workloads (or exceptional memory constraints) to adjust it. This means that applications will need to be accompanied by resource usage analysis. It's a bit less convenient than a simple malloc(), but in a macro perspective, this helps simplicity a lot. It's surprising how the need to call free() on dynamically allocated memory shapes code in ways that make it a lot more complex. When you remove that thorn, things become much simpler. Arenas are similar to "malloc", but they're freed in block. The idea is that temporary memory is often linked to a particular piece of code and that once that piece of code is done doing its thing, you need *none* of those little pieces of memory. Rather than complicating your life, tracking each little piece of memory individually, you free the block in one fell swoop, without caring about holding a reference to all temporary pieces of memory. This only work when the proper conditions are right, but in practice, those conditions arise very often. This also generally leads to increased memory usage compared to surgical precision in memory management, but modern machines have ample memory and Dusk OS already consumes much, much less memory than systems using malloc, so this issue turns out not to be one. See [doc/mem/alloc] for details about scratchpads and arenas. There's also the memory limit tied to Dusk OS being a 32-bit OS: 4GB ought to be enough for anybody, which is why the OS doesn't support any 64-bit type. Some specialized applications might need 64-bit numbers and addressing, but they'll have to make their own abstractions. ## Speed Dusk OS isn't designed to be fast, but it doesn't squander CPU cycles either. The idea is that simplicity trumps speed, but speed trumps sloppiness. See doc/design/speed. ## Text interface While Dusk OS will be able to display graphics (for example, to render a PDF on screen), it won't have a GUI. The way to interact with the system is through text. ## Assume grid display UNIX consoles, being based around a serial interface, are more complex than they should be (curses etc.). Dusk OS is able to be accessed serially, but with greatly reduced powers. The "full featured" console as well as most interesting applications will assume a grid display.