# Dusk's shell NOTE: many ideas here aren't implemented yet. Dusk is designed to be mostly used in text mode, but unlike UNIX, we assume more than a simple serial link: we assume an interactive keyboard and a screen. When we can assume that, many interesting doors open. To be sure: Dusk is also usable through a serial link, but under these conditions, many of the nice features described here will be unavailable. ## Interactive input Because we can assume an interactive keyboard, we can hook to more than "full" keypresses. We can act on both key down and key up event. We can also hook ourselves to "naked" mod keys (control, shift, alt) key presses. This is what allows the menu described below to work efficiently and this also allows behaviors similar to the "LEAP" key in the Canon Cat. ## Screen Having direct access to the screen through the Grid (io/grid) is much simpler than having to implement a "curses" like library. It's also faster. But other than that, it doesn't provide us with more possibilities than a serial link. But the simplicity gain is important though and makes some things that would otherwise be complicated, easy. For example, a menu system that hides a small section of the screen (which can be managed by another app at the moment the menu is shown) to show itself, and then restore that corner of the screen afterwards. In UNIX, short of doing terminal multiplexing, there aren't many options. With the Grid, you can read the buffer directly, store it somewhere, restore it afterwards. ## Menu system My idea for an efficient shell is a combination of menus and fuzzy finding. In a UNIX shell, much of the "typing" time is spent constructing command line arguments. That's why auto-completion is central to efficient shell usage. Dusk embraces statefulness and when typing into a Forth shell, it's not really command lines we're building, but states were changing. Some word expect some state, so to use the word, you change the states and then call the word. In that context, auto-completion is problematic. We don't have a clear context of what kind of information we're expecting from the sysop at any given moment because the order in which those states are changed is open-ended. This is why we have a menu system instead. The menu system is, of course, highly configurable by the sysop. It has two main mode of operations: quick and regular. The "quick" mode is when the mod key (let's say "ctrl") is pressed and that another key is pressed before "ctrl" is released. If a word is associated to it, it's called. It's a good old keyboard shortcut activated by a mod key. The regular mode is when ctrl is pressed and released right away. This pops up a menu that can be navigated through arrows and fuzzy finding. Of course, all those actions can present submenus. Those menus, of course, can also iterate over dynamic data (such as filesystem paths). For example, we could imagine CTRL+F being bound to a "select file" action, which would invoke the file selection menu (fuzzy finding + drilling to directories) and then open that file in the global "file" bind{}. Then, with that example hook, editing the file "tests/mem/arena.fs" could be: tes/l/aredloadged If editing a file is something done often a specific hook could be added to, for example, CTRL+E with the same file selection but saving the "edload+ged" part. Applications could hook themselves into the menu, making this system global and streamlined.