# Dusk on WASM [Dusk OS][dusk] has a peculiar target: WASM on a modern browser. It's represented as a graphical console with a fully functional Dusk OS prompt in a browser tab. This code is available from [Dusk OS' files folder][files] or as a Git repository ([without SSL][ssl]) at: git://git.duskos.org/dusk-wasm.git [dusk]: http://duskos.org [ssl]: http://duskos.org/ssl.html [files]: http://duskos.org/files/ ## Requirements * [mtools][mtools] * AssemblyScript (which needs, ahem, NPM): `npm -g install assemblyscript` AssemblyScript is not strictly needed, you can also use `compile.html`. [mtools]: https://www.gnu.org/software/mtools/ ## Building 1. `make kernel.wasm` **or** open `compile.html` in a browser to build it. 2. `make wasm.img`. 3. In a modern browser, open `index.html`. 4. In the first file selection prompt, choose `kernel.wasm`. 5. In the second one, select `wasm.img` 6. After a few seconds, you'll have a Dusk OS prompt. Note that the WASM target is much, much slower than other Dusk OS targets. The appropriate version of Dusk is automatically downloaded by Make. If you already have a Dusk you want to target, you can use the `DUSKDIR` environment variable. ## See it in action In a hurry? You can see this thing in action at ## Authorship Most of the code in Dusk OS has been written by Virgil Dupras, but the WASM port has been written by Michael Schierl.