____            _       ____      _ _
         |  _ \ _   _ ___| |_ ___|  _ \  __| | | __
         | | | | | | / __| __/ _ \ | | |/ _` | |/ /
         | |_| | |_| \__ \ ||  __/ |_| | (_| |   < 
         |____/ \__,_|___/\__\___|____(_)__,_|_|\_\
                           - a strange place indeed
       The Tagwall
       Hi, keep up the good work.
       A line is dropped!
       Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing that essay in your 7-03 phlog. It's scary how relevant the text is in 2017, despite being written in the '30s. -- zlg
       oh neat!
       Hey there! I wrote on your wall!
       hey. this is awesome!
       hello from norway
       suka blyat
       Hello from a train in the US.
       hi how are you? what's new? i like cats.
       hello internet amigo
       Hello from Germany!
       Yo! Another dane on Gopher?!?!
       Happy newyear
       Hi. I enjoyed browsing through your gopherspace (is that the right term?) and reading some articles. I especially liked the CD player you built. Maybe I will run a gopherserver too one day. Greetings.
       Thanks for all. I have my French gopher server gopher.voyez.ca and I like how your client is working. Can I change the home page?
       nice dude!
       It's a nice website!
       What a commedy
       enjoyed my visit! Stop by my server some time, magical.fish thanks!
       Hello from the Netherlands!
       oh hi from Vine, 2014
       great stuff!
       Hello gophers!
       Hello world!
       Hey man, I noticed your link to my gopherhole is stale. It's been at gopher://zlg.space/1/ for a bit but you probably knew that already. Later! --zlg
       I'm having fun digging around. thanks for keeping gopher going.
       Hello from gopher://gopher.is
       hello to all the fellow people keeping the small internet alive. come chat with us in #80s-cartoons on irc.dejatoons.net !
       Hello, World from a fellow dane!
       Greetings from Germany, browsing via Gopherus on FreeDOS :3 ver heil ok saell! :D
       Tester inden jeg selv lC&gger min egen side pC% nettet!
       Hello, Logout here! Would you please consider not having current time on yout phlog gophermap? It renders the page as changed every day, popping in Bongusta daily even if there is no new post. Thanks!
       Heard.  gopher://dusted.dk/0/pages/phlog/2023-10-29.txt
       I like your paintings!
       Hello from the Netherlands :)
       Drop me a line! I'll be happy to hear from you!
 (QRY) Write on the tagwall!