
a small horse or pony

an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. "her hobbies are reading and gardening"

But what?

Making stuff, that's the thing I like to (actively) do..
So I've made some small projects, but, I enjoy finishing stuff more than revisiting it.. I like to make things once.
I thought it'd be exciting to talk about my hobby, but I realize that, I probably don't have one, at least at the moment, my hobby is playing computer games.

Maybe my hobby is trying to figure out what my hobby is?
Here's a list of stuff I've done, maybe a pattern will emerge..

Computer games I've made:
Simplevaders - first OpenGL program, first C++ program
SDL-Ball - second OpenGL program, second C++ program
OSGG - third OpenGL pr...
Wizznic - First C program

Web stuff:
Wrote an image-board like 4 chan from scratch, ran it for 5 years.
Made a twitter bot that detected when Danish politicians deleted their tweets (kept scrrenshot as proof)
Made a "SkoleIntra" like website for youth school.
KrapBox.net is a site with random pictures I found and liked from The Internet.
vafler.dk is a recipe for waffles, not a great one

Misc programming stuff:
Game of Life for Linux, Gp2xWiz handheld
FinalKey.net is a hardware password manager with encryption that acts like a keyboard.
A basic, unfinished 3D game engine called ExcessiveOverkill
4 "games" using EO engine..
3D models in OpenSCAD for 3D printing