Gopherization and the return of my personal webpage
       While going through some old files, I ran across a copy of my personal
       webpage.  I've moved this between web hosts many times, and every
       time, I had to take down some stuff to fit within increasingly strict
       size caps and filetype limits.  Fast forward ten years, and hardly
       any of the original content is online any more.
       Now that I have my own server, I make the rules, and I can return my
       digital domain to its former glory!  But this time, with 100% more
       As a start, I've Gopherized my introductory guide to chipmusic.  I've
       never seen a concise beginner's introduction like this on Gopher, so
       it seemed like a good place to start.  If anyone is reading this, I
       hope you enjoy it!  There's more where that came from.
 (DIR) A field guide to chipmusic