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       hello there
       # whoami
       Im li0ard (pronounced Lizard) aka Nikolai Konovalov.
       Im developer from Russia and cipherpunk
       Im mostly using Python and JS (TS), have a bit of knowledge in GO and PHP.
       Im also an "enthusiast" of some anonymous network (like I2P, Yggdrasil. No Tor, please)
       # contacts (in order of preference)
       Session: li0ard (ONS)
       XMPP: li0ard@404.city (+ OMEMO)
       Mail: li0ard@li0ard.rest (WKD)
       (C) 2024 li0ard
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 (DIR) server_info                           2024-Mar-21 17:06   --------
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Debian/11 x86_64