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       |  \| | ___  __ _  __ _| |_ ___    | | | |__  _ ___
       | . ` |/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \   | | | '_ \| / __|
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                    __/ |
       Negate This
       Welcome to my gopher  hole (:
       NOTE If anyone knows any good poetry send it my way NOTE
       This here is my Gopher hole, a mirror of my Gemini space which was
       created on November 4, 2020. I plan on using both these protocols
       to jot my thoughts down whenever I think I have something good to
       write about, but also to learn more about the small "internet"
       and tech in general. I hope I provide things of substance for
       Gemini space and all Gopher holes. Enjoy!
       Gemini page:
       About Me
       Not much to say, or rather not much I want to say. You can try to
       piece together your own thoughts on me from reading what I write. 
       I just can't find a way to really describe myself. You know how 
       it is sometimes.
 (TXT) Thinkpad T60 and OpenBSD Part 3 - 2021-07-31
 (TXT) Autoimmune Hepatitis - 2021-07-14
 (TXT) Nothing in Particular - 2021-06-26
 (TXT) Continuing with my ThinkPad T60 and OpenBSD - 2021-04-16
 (TXT) Writing and the Self - 2021-04-07
 (TXT) "New" Thinkpad T60 and OpenBSD - 2021-03-04
 (TXT) Beautiful - 2021-02-05
 (TXT) Television Exists! - 2021-01-27
 (TXT) People are Cool - 2021-01-15
 (TXT) Kermit ASCII ART - 2021-01-08
 (TXT) I Hate McMansions - 2020-12-30
 (TXT) Dialectics - 2020-12-20
 (TXT) Finals Over - 2020-12-15
 (TXT) Flies - 2020-11-22
 (TXT) Stars - 2020-11-14
 (TXT) Thoughts On Veganism - 2020-11-08
 (TXT) First Piece - 2020-11-04
 (HTM) Spaghetti - a simple static blog generator 2020-11-07
       If the link won't open, just copy this URL
       Contact Me
       negatethis (at) envs.net
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Debian/11 x86_64