#+AUTHOR: arpunk #+DATE: <2023-11-12 Sun> #+OPTIONS: toc:nil #+filetags: :updates:emacs: I've been writing quite a bit of Emacs Lisp lately and I wanted to have a way for distributing my packages and supporting code for my different Emacs installations and use cases. The result is CELPA[fn:01]. It is a package archive built using the stock MELPA codebase with a few tweaks, using my custom recipes. So far it contains a couple of toy packages and libraries but I'm hoping to keep adopting Emacs Lisp and the result might land in the archive. Things are evolving but I will do my best to keep the archive up and up-to-date, but at the end of the day this is just a personal convenience and serves only to improve my Emacs workflows. * References [fn:01] Only over HTTP: http://celpa.fatelectron.net