: From the tradition of Montevideo / Time Based Arts.. : : .. Dyne.org is proudly presenting you: : : ,, ,, : `7MM `7MM : MM MM : MMpMMMb. ,M""bMM ,pP"Ybd `7M' `MF'`7MMpMMMb. ,p6"bo : MM MM ,AP MM 8I `" VA ,V MM MM 6M' OO : MM MM 8MI MM `YMMMa. VA ,V MM MM 8M : MM MM `Mb MM L. I8 VVV MM MM YM. , : .JMML JMML.`Wbmd"MML. M9mmmP' ,V .JMML JMML.YMbmd' : ,V : OOb' : ver. 1.3 "Still in Amsterdam" : : A network based sync-starter for multi-channel HD Video : Written by Denis Roio aka Jaromil : http://www.syncstarter.org Many artworks and diverse video setups require real-time synced playback of different audio/video materials on multiple screens. HDSync is a software that can do that with HD video playback on multiple devices, free and open source. Free download from http://www.syncstarter.org/hdsync A user manual (PDF) is included in the source distribution (doc/) and available online at http://files.dyne.org/hdsync In case you need assistance to setup your own HD sync-starter, you can contact us and ask a quote, details on: http://syncstarter.org/service More syncstarter software on http://www.syncstarter.org Donations welcome on http://www.dyne.org/donate ** Usage and compatibility HDSync only works on a specific hardware configuration: WD HD Live players are consumer grade devices that most people can afford for approx 100EUR on the consumer market. To be used with HDSync the WD HD Live boxes need to be running B-Rad's WDLXTV firmware, found on http://www.wdlxtv.com (see the HDSync user's manual for details on which version works best). Tips and ideas are shared on our mailinglist, let us know your progress and projects! https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/syncstarter ** Interesting facts The record number of synced audio/video channels using HDSync is up to 37 different channels: the Ambarella video wall http://vimeo.com/ambarella/video-wall-redux HDSync is portable and can be compiled and used on different hardware: its code is written C/C++ that compiles for targets as ARM, MIPS and x86 platforms. The digital video syncstarter software was developed between 2006 and 2012 in the Montevideo/NIMk Artlab. In 2013, as a consequence of cultural funding cuts in the Netherlands, the Artlab has been shut down and the whole institute has been closed after 35 years of activity. Since then, the development of HDSync is not funded anymore. For further development, the Syncstarter project needs your support. HDSync makes heavy use of PGM multicast (RFC 3208), which is basically UDP traffic, to synchronise multiple units on the same local network. In order for it to work, make sure your LAN switch does not block UDP multicast: old hubs work best. HDSync reaches a fairly precise frame synchronization, down to a randomly occurring error rate of 3 frames out of sync, which is hardly noticeable in most footage. 1 to 1 frame synchronisation is impossible to achieve with our software. It is necessary to add 5 seconds of black in front of any synced audio/video footage in order to avoid an irregular blink at the start of every loop. ** Building from source In order to compile HDSync for a WDTV you need to use a MIPSEL toolchain (for instance the one provided by Emdebian works great) and use it to compile this software: ./configure --host=mipsel-linux-gnu However, ready to use binaries (hdsync.app.bin) are provided on http://files.dyne.org/hdsync ** Support and warranty This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see