+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | LaTeX Note 002 jodys@helluin.org | | Figures and Tables 12/18/2010| | v0.03 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ *TABLES* The typographic enclosure is \begin{tabular}{ l | r || c } Data & Data & Data \hline Data & Data & Data \end{tabular} The options to the begin specify how the columns will be formatted; the justification (l,r,c) and the vertical separators ( , |, ||)--if any. All following lines until the \end call are the data, separated by ampersands. The above just deals with laying out tables, however, you'll need them to fit into your document in the generally accepted. You do this with the table environment. \begin{table}[htpb] \caption{This is the caption} \label{tab:thistable} \end{table} This creates a "table" that will show up in lists of tables and will get the caption and formatting like a table. Because LaTeX will place these as best it can, you can put some guidelines for where you'd like the tables; h (here if possible), t (top of the page), b (bottom of the page), and p (float on its own page.) The \caption will show up under the table when it is typeset and the \label allows you to refer to the table in the text like so My awesome data is shown in Table~\ref{tab:thistable}. *FIGURES* Similar to above, to include a graphics file \usepackage{graphicx} %... \includegraphics[scale=.5]{filename.pdf} This just plops a file in the document, but doesn't give it any of traits of a "figure". \begin{figure}[h] \includegraphics[scale=.5]{filename.pdf} \caption{I love PDF!} \label{fig:pdf} \end{figure} **Scaling options** You can scale graphics by a factor, using the scale=x option. You can also scale graphics to a set width, using [width=x], where x is a measurement (e.g. 4in). You can set the width to a given variable, the most useful of which is \textwidth. For instance, \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{mydumbpicture.pdf} which will scale the graphic to the text width (meaning: the width inside the margins. You can combine these together, e.g. \includegraphics[width=.25\textwidth] {mydumbpicture.pdf} gets you a figure 1/4 the width inside the margins. *SUB-FIGURES* \usepackage{subfigure} \begin{figure} \subfigure[Subfigure caption]{\label{fig:sub}\includegraphics[scale=.5]{sub.pdf}} \end{figure} Inside of figure environment you can declare subfigures which get grouped together under the main figure. So, if you have four similar and related figures you can declare them together and they show up in TOC as one unit and get typeset as one unit.