+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | LaTeX Note 008 jodys@helluin.org | | Flashcards 12/18/2010 | | v0.01 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ First, declare the flashcards documentclass \documentclass{flashcards} There are several options you can add - avery5371: generates business card sized flash cards - avery5388: generates 3x5 card sized flash cards - grid: generates visible borders around the flash cards Once inside the document you declare the flashcard environment, e.g. \begin{flashcard}[]{Front} Back of card \end{flashcard} \documentclass[avery5371,grid]{flashcards} \begin{document} \begin{flashcard}[Chemistry I - Chapter 7]{Solubility $Li^+$} (1) Always soluble \end{flashcard} \end{document}