(DIR) Forthworks
       I write iOS applications. As much as possible, these are highly focused
       tools intended to solve specific problems in a clean, efficient way.
       Paid Apps
 (HTM) $1.99  RETRO FORTH 11 & 12 Bundle
 (HTM) $1.99  RETRO FORTH 12
 (HTM) $0.99  RETRO FORTH 11
 (HTM) $1.99  Gopher Client
 (HTM) $0.99  Secure Passphrase Generator
       Free Apps
 (HTM)  FREE  Tip Tabulator
 (HTM)  FREE  Paipera - KJV Bible
 (HTM)  FREE  Bedside Clock
 (HTM)  FREE  Kaputi - Tea Timer
       If you are interested in helping to test betas of these or future apps,
       reach out to me via email (crc at forthworks dot com), twitter (@crcx),
       IRC (I'm crc in #retro on irc.freenode.net) or via reddit (/u/_crc).
       forthworks.com:70 / atua / running on retro