Subj : OpenDoors & InterBBS Toolkits To : All From : Jon Justvig Date : Fri Mar 05 2010 06:19 pm Hi all, I'm using the OpenDoor toolkit to develop my door game, Legion. I just recently found OpenDoor InterBBS toolkit. When I compile, I get this error and was wondering if any C/C++ coders out there could help me get this compiled. The problem seems to be when I include the interbbs.c source file inside my code. I'm using Borland C++ v5.5 and here's the error log: C:\legion>comp.bat C:\legion>bcc32 -tW legion0017.cpp odoorw.lib Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland legion0017.cpp: Compiling for Win32 DLL version of OpenDoors Warning W8059 OpenDoor.h 1098: Structure packing size has changed Error E2238 InterBBS.h 35: Multiple declaration for 'WORD' Error E2344 c:\Borland\Bcc55\include\windef.h 145: Earlier declaration of 'WORD' Error E2034 interbbs.c 236: Cannot convert 'void *' to 'char *' in function IBSend(tIBInfo *,char *,void *,int) Warning W8004 interbbs.c 266: 'nTextSize' is assigned a value that is never used in function IBSend(tIBInfo *,char *,void *,int) Error E2034 interbbs.c 288: Cannot convert 'const void *' to 'const char *' in function EncodeBuffer(char *,const void *,int) Warning W8057 interbbs.c 315: Parameter 'pBuffer' is never used in function EncodeBuffer(char *,const void *,int) Error E2034 interbbs.c 321: Cannot convert 'void *' to 'char *' in function DecodeBuffer(const char *,void *,int) Warning W8008 interbbs.c 339: Condition is always true in function DecodeBuffer(const char *,void *,int) Warning W8057 interbbs.c 365: Parameter 'pDestBuffer' is never used in function DecodeBuffer(const char *,void *,int) Warning W8012 interbbs.c 433: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function WriteMessage(char *,unsigned long,tMessageHeader *,char *) Error E2034 interbbs.c 470: Cannot convert 'void *' to 'char *' in function ReadMessage(char *,unsigned long,tMessageHeader *,char * *) Warning W8012 interbbs.c 487: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function ReadMessage(char *,unsigned long,tMessageHeader *,char * *) Error E2034 interbbs.c 774: Cannot convert 'void *' to 'tOtherNode *' in function ProcessConfigLine(int,char *,void *) Error E2034 interbbs.c 782: Cannot convert 'void *' to 'tOtherNode *' in function ProcessConfigLine(int,char *,void *) Warning W8012 scores.cpp 274: Comparing signed and unsigned values in function max_string_length(int) Warning W8057 legion0017.cpp 3540: Parameter 'hInstance' is never used in function __stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,char *,int) Warning W8057 legion0017.cpp 3540: Parameter 'hPrevInstance' is never used in function __stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE__ *,HINSTANCE__ *,char *,int) Warning W8059 legion0017.cpp 3542: Structure packing size has changed *** 8 errors in Compile *** 1 file(s) copied. 1 file(s) copied. I know I'm using a C code source code inside CPP. Here is more information: USING THIS PACKAGE In order to use the functionality of this package in your programs, you must setup your C or C++ compiler to compile and link the interbbs.c module with your program. To do this, create a project file or makefile that lists the names of your program's .C/.CPP source file(s), along with the interbbs.c file. Also, you must include the interbbs.h file in any modules of your program that will use any of the Inter-BBS capabilities. To do this, simply include the following line at the beginning of your .C/.CPP source file: #include "interbbs.h" What would be the best way to approach this issue? -+- Jon Justvig Stepping Stone BBS Home of Legion & LegionNet telnet:// yahoo: fidonet: 1:298/5 --- þ Synchronet þ Stepping Stone BBS - .