Subj : pizza To : Moondog From : Ted Long Date : Mon Jan 30 2023 10:07 am Re: pizza By: Moondog to MRO on Sun Jan 29 2023 01:07 pm > Re: pizza > By: MRO to Ragnar0k on Sat Jan 28 2023 01:07 pm > > > Re: pizza > > By: Ragnar0k to MRO on Sat Jan 28 2023 08:51 am > > > > Re: pizza > > > By: MRO to Ragnar0k on Fri Jan 27 2023 12:33:38 > > > > MR> that's the rumor but then they also said in the beginning they were cooked in auto parts bins and that's why they were > > > MR> square. no way wo they do that. > > > > It's my understanding that Detroit has tried to claim bomber jackets and coney dogs too. > > > i really hate hit how some places try to say they invented a certain type of > > > regarding the coney island shit, that's hard to believe too. i'm from an im ecided to put a sausage on top of bread. yeah right. > > farmers do that so the > > > and the coney dogs having different toppings makes it different, my ass. so > > lol. A few years ago the debate about toppings on hot dogs came back up when Heinz came out with a test lot of "Chicgo Dog" sauce. > It > was an off brown col or, and people liked it. It turned out to be ketchup, which Chicago dog purists say is not an ingredient. > Funny > thing is several of the test group preferred it. > Catsup on a hot dog????!!??? Nossir! As a dyed-in-the-wool Southern boy from way back, the only things that belong on a hot dog are onions, chili, and mustard :>) --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs] .