Subj : Re: what are democrats th To : poindexter FORTRAN From : Arelor Date : Thu May 09 2024 07:19 am Re: Re: what are democrats th By: poindexter FORTRAN to Arelor on Wed May 08 2024 07:32 am > What made the current Russian view make a whole lot of sense is looking > at Putin's Russia from the eyes of someone who's living in the cold war > and expecting an invasion from the west. Meanwhile, have a look at this: The History Behind the Russia-Ukraine War, Scott Horton, 2022. "Again, not that it justifies what Putin has done here or the worsening problems that are almost certain to come from it. But many of his worst accusations about the actions of the U.S.-led West in Ukraine were true, including the breaking of Bush Sr.'s no NATO expansion promises, CIA support for the bin Ladenite terrorists in Chechnya, Libya and Syria and war against Serbia to break off Kosovo, the disaster of Iraq War II and Bush's withdrawal from the ABM treaty, (again!) dual-use launchers at ABM sites in Eastern Europe, the 2014 coup and the subsequent and ongoing war in the east, including U.S. training for fighters, all the American and allied arms and advisers in the country since 2014 and cooperation with the U.S. Navy that he says puts the Russian Black Sea Fleet at risk. He also credibly claimed that the Ukrainian military had already been integrated with NATO and has given access to U.S. surveillance drones and planes." -- gopher:// --- þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .