Subj : 2020 Summer of Love To : MRO From : Dumas Walker Date : Mon Jun 03 2024 08:55 am > > If you look at who is in charge in most of the cities (and states) where > > rioting was popular that Summer, you will see something in common... they > > are administered by people who do not prosecute criminals with any > > consistency and are likely Democrats. > what sad is those goverments got on the business owners who's busineses were > burnt to the ground and they were threatening fines if they didn't clean it up > asap. I heard about that. Punishing the business owners rather than the perpetrators. If it was me, and I had the resources to do so, I would be moving my business out of their city, even if mine wasn't damaged. Back in the late 1980s/early 1990s, Louisville pulled some crap trying to bully long-time, sucessful businesses out of an area they wanted to do something else with. They offered them land elsewhere but the business owners were smart and moved to Southern Indiana (outside of Louisville's tax jurisdiction) instead. > Also some influencer made up a lie that there was a girl being kept in a house > for human trafficking and they burnt down the house, burnt down the vehicles o > the street outside and some people were shot. It's hard to believe this shit > and i live here. It all goes back to the elected officials and what they put up with. And the people who keep electing them. * SLMR 2.1a * Isn't "shrimp on a Barbie" a little kinky? --- þ Synchronet þ Capitol City Test System .