Subj : Re: oh man joe biden To : Dumas Walker From : paulie420 Date : Mon Jul 01 2024 08:52 pm DW> Yeah, one of the few things that Biden was able to do was sometimes bait DW> Trump into spending too much time refuting Biden's previous answer vs. DW> giving a good answer of his own. There was another issue... I cannot DW> remember which one... where Trump could have given a great answer but DW> instead used his time to cover something Biden mentioned. Trump spent too much [all] time on the border - he has a lot more to say, and should have... he was trying to be reserved, calm and did OK [for him] at doing so - but for ME to get pumped for Trump I want... Trump! DW> There are some protections regarding certain things that Presidents have DW> to do, but they cannot be held above the law for everything... like DW> terminating a political rival, as Trump's lawyer, in court, flat out DW> agreed a President should be able to get away with so long as Congress DW> does not impeach him/her. Until today - where I think the SCOTUS got it right and gave immunity for actions taken under the presidential position - and not external ones... perfect IMO; we now have it. DW> I voted for Trump twice, tho 2016 was really a vote against HRC, so I DW> don't think I have an issue getting wrapped up with the messenger there. DW> I certainly don't have the hate-boner for him that a lot of people do. DW> If I had to vote for one or the other this time, and had no other DW> choice, I'd have to vote for Trump again but since I don't have to I DW> won't. At this point I don't think we have another choice - I *really* wish we did. I don't think Trump is the end-all answer TODAY, but he sure is the ONLY choice. Stupid, too - the left could have won me back over if they just didn't try to Weekend at Bernie's me. DW> If we protect Presidents from prosecution from *everything*, we are no DW> better than any other self-oppressive nations. And we don't/won't - SCOTUS got it right today IMO. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .