Subj : Re: Gun Insurance To : GAMGEE From : Dumas Walker Date : Tue Jul 12 2022 04:15 pm > DW> resonably intelligent, yet they won't understand it. IMHO, some > DW> of them just think that guns are scary and we are better off with > DW> less of them, but the "criminals don't obey laws" logic should be > DW> equally as scary. > Yes, it should be just as scary. What I honestly think is that those > who think more gun laws will fix the problem is that they actually are > NOT interested in fixing the real problem. What they are interested > in doing is increasing the amount of control that they can have over > another group of people. It's really very petty and selfish, but that's > the actual truth. No doubt, that is certainly true of the politicians who claim that more laws will fix the problem. I was thinking more in terms of the voters. > The real problem is mental health, and the fact that so many are not > able to get treatment for their issues. Yes. I also think there is some disconnect going on with our society. It used to be, when asked in school what they want to be when they grow up, younger people would mention some profession. Supposedly, now they are more likely to want to "be famous." If a kid who wants to be famous is also one that does not see much hope in life, being famous by doing something stupid, whether it be drinking bleach on Tik-Tok or shooting up a school, somehow seems OK to them. > Gun contol laws are *PROVEN* to be ineffective, and the so called "red > flag" laws that the same people want were *JUST* proven to be equally as > useless, right there in Highland Park, Illinois. It was a textbook > example case of complete failure. There have been several shooters this year that "were on (some law enforcement agency's) radar" but yet were not seen as enough of a threat to do anything about until it was too late. A family member has an issue with a stalker. The stalker, after doing a drive-by at their house, apparently murdered someone in another part of town and got caught for that. The family member was worried about them being released on house arrest to await trial. I told them to phone in a tip and suggest the shooter was a member of the January 6 mob as that seems to be the only thing that these law enforcement groups care about. Otherwise, you are not enough of a threat. * SLMR 2.1a * Make headlines! Use a corduroy pillow. --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .