Subj : Re: SyncTerm for Linux and Upload Issues To : HusTler From : Elf Date : Mon Apr 19 2021 08:50 pm -=> HusTler wrote to Elf <=- El> Is anyone out there using SyncTerm for Linux? I'm using version 1.2a El> and seem to have nothing but troubles uploading files to ANY BBS I try. El> I am getting seemingly random successes with 99% failures. Hu> What are you uploading to? A BBS? Which BBS software? I upload with Hu> Syncterm 1.2a to my Synchronet BBS all the time without issue. The BBS Hu> OS and my Laptop are both Ubuntu 18. If it's a BBS you're uploading to Hu> make sure your permissions are correct. I'm uploading to the following BBS systems: 1) My own test Mystic BBS - works sometimes, usually once but then not again until maybe the next day - kind of random. Using Zmodem. I successfully did a couple uploads yesterday to my test BBS and to a couple other live BBSs on the internet and it worked using Xmodem. So I thought I found the issue. But, nope. Could not upload to any of them today with Xmodem or anything else (usually try Zmodem). 2) I am trying to upload to other systems like Synchronet . . . well, I guess that is it. Just synchronet and mystic BBSs. As a work-around in Linux I'm using FQTERM, a Chinese BBS terminal app, to upload my REP packets to Synchronet and Mystic BBSs using Zmodem. You're reading this because FQTERM uploaded it via Zmodem. .... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49 þ Synchronet þ realitycheckBBS -- .