Subj : web_feed_importer.js erro To : Bob Roberts From : echicken Date : Wed Oct 28 2020 02:49 pm Re: web_feed_importer.js erro By: Bob Roberts to echicken on Wed Oct 28 2020 08:32:21 BR> I'll try to figure out what feed it is, and let you know. My suspicion BR> it's a missing xml tag or something that periodically happens based on BR> whatever content they are running at the time. I think that's unlikely - you'd probably just see an error message which might hint at a failed attempt at XML parsing, but the BBS is unlikely to crash. But maybe. I lean toward there being some unexpected characters in an item title or something like that, causing a problem when an attempt is made to save the message. Or some massive amount of memory being used, something like that. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .